Within each company you will see an account overview section. Here you will be able to see the buyer roles within each account.
To do this you should spend some time looking at your target accounts and the contacts that you have at each of them. Once you are in this screen you can select the contacts from the middle ribbon and click on buyer role. In this section you can select from the following:
- Blocker - people who are not bought in and may block your progress
- Budget holder - the people who will sign off costs
- Champion - the person who is advocating for you
- Decision maker - The person who will ultimately make the decision
- End User - the person who is using your services
- Executive sponsor - the person on the c-suite who is vouching for you
- Influencer - the person in the company that will influence the decision
- Legal & compliance - The people who will ensure the contracts are right
- Other - Anything outside of this scope
How you deal with each of the buyer roles will vary but the first step is mapping. By identifying the roles and contacts that you have in each company both marketing and sales can begin to create better experiences for the contacts.
For example with a budget holder your messaging can be focussed on financial savings whereas for an end user you could focus on ease of use.
By understanding who you are marketing to you can improve your marketing and sales significantly.